State-run IRA Program

Nevada Employee Savings Trust

Nevada Employee Savings Trust

Nevada passed legislation on June 16, 2023, to adopt a state-run savings program. The legislation will require employers that employ five or more employees and who have been in business for at least…

Minnesota Secure Choice Retirement Program

Minnesota Secure Choice Retirement Program

Minnesota passed legislation on May 19, 2023, to adopt a state-run savings program. The legislation will require employers that employ five or more employees and who have been in business for…

Hawaii Retirement Savings Program

Hawaii Retirement Savings Program

Legislation to establish the Hawaii Savings Retirement Savings Program passed in 2022. Employers who have been in business at least 2 years and have not offered or maintained a qualified retirement plan at any time during…

New York State Secure Choice Savings Program

New York State Secure Choice Savings Program

Enrollment in the New York Secure Choice Savings Program has not started yet and is still under development. As of January 2024, enrollment is not required. Currently it is suggested that…

CalSavers Retirement Savings Program

CalSavers Retirement Savings Program

CalSavers was launched in 2019. Registration took place in three waves. All employers with five or more employees must have registered by June 30,...

Colorado Secure Savings Program

Colorado Secure Savings Program

Colorado began phasing businesses into the Colorado Secure Savings Program in 2023. It requires all Colorado businesses with 5 or more employees who...

Connecticut MyCT Savings Program

Connecticut MyCT Savings Program

Connecticut established and began requiring employers to join MyCTSavings in April 2022. Currently any employer with five or more employees in...



OregonSaves applies to businesses that do not offer an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan to their employees. As of July 2023, if your business had at least one employee…

RetirePath Virginia

RetirePath Virginia

RetirePath Virginia requires businesses with 25 or more eligible employees and in operation for more than two years to enroll in Retire Path if they...

New Mexico Work & Save

New Mexico Work & Save

New Mexico will offer a voluntary program where employees can contribute to Roth IRAs. Legislation allows for development of a web-based “retail”...

Retire Ready New Jersey

Retire Ready New Jersey

The Retire Ready New Jersey program launched on June 30, 2024. The program requires businesses who employ 25 or more employees to adopt Retire Ready...

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