Your California business has a retirement plan choice.

Make it count.

If you’re like many small business owners in California, you’re facing more competition than ever to find and keep talented employees. That makes having an attractive company retirement plan more important than ever.

Luckily, SECURE Act 2.0 tax credits can offset some or all the costs of setting up and running a plan for the first three years.

What does "offset the cost" mean?

The SECURE ACT 2.0 enacted by Congress in 2022 offers up to 100% tax credits* for new retirement plans for the first three years.

Essentially, you pay to set up a qualified retirement plan now, and when it comes time to pay corporate taxes for the year, you can subtract the cost of your retirement plan dollar-for-dollar from the taxes you owe. That's a tax “credit," not simply a deduction.

Available credits may make the cost of your plan free (or nearly so!) for the first three years depending on the number of eligible employees participating, matching contributions you may make, and by adding an autoenrollment feature.

Available tax credits

A minimum of $500 or $250 times the number of eligible employees participating, up to $5,000 per year. (Highly compensated employees don't count.)

Your company could receive a total of $16,500 in tax credits by year three if you include automatic enrollment.

FastStart 401k offers more value and choice than CalSavers

SECURE ACT 2.0 tax credits can offset some or all startup costs

We’re experts at making it easy to start and run a retirement plan


CalSavers to a FastStart 401k

An IRA program like CalSavers is a good idea, but it’s limited by design. Is it better than nothing? Absolutely. But a FastStart 401k is easy to start and run and delivers more value.



FastStart 401k

Employer tax credits available No Yes, up to $15,000 over 3 years
Plan design flexibility No Yes
Allows employer contributions No Yes (and there are SECURE Act tax credits available for employer contributions)
Employees can save pre-tax No, only via Roth IRA (post-tax) Yes, either pre-tax or post-tax
Employee contribution limits $6,500* $22,500*

* Last updated in 2023. These limits periodically increase to adjust for inflation.

Even if you opted into CalSavers, you can still switch to a 401k and take advantage of tax credits.

My focus is…

Just me (and possibly my spouse)

Employees working for my company

Everyone, including myself and all my employees

Learn More About FastStart Plan Choices

What is SECURE Act 2.0?

The SECURE Act 2.0 enacted by Congress in 2022 offers up to 100% tax credits* for new retirement plans for the first three years. More than a tax deduction, it’s a dollar-for-dollar credit against your corporate tax liability.

Additional tax credits of up to $1,000 per employee are also available if you wish to make an employer matching or profit sharing contribution.

This is the most generous tax incentive ever offered by the Federal government to encourage new retirement plans. That’s why we believe there has never been a better time to start than right now. We’re here to help you take advantage of it.

Since 1971, we’ve helped more than

start and manage retirement plans.

We make it easy to get started.


We’ll ask a few questions to understand your needs and goals


We’ll recommend a plan that fits you


We’ll get the plan set up and make running it easy

Start Your Plan Now

Chat with us

FastStart 401k is supported by a team

dedicated to customer success.

We’re real people you can speak with to make sure you have the information and answers you need.

Our easy setup means you can have a 401(k) working for your company in


You’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a competitive benefit plan in place and your people will be a step closer to long-term success.

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